Trains in Finland

Trains in Finland are flawless. I’m writing this post on the go. Living in such a big country like Finland requires fast transportation, and the the most reliable mean of transportation is the train (juna – train.)

The company that governs the Finnish railroads is called VR.
On that website you can book your trips all across Finland (n.b e-banking is required!)

I have used the autumn cheap ticket offer by VR, and booked my trip to Turku,for only 20€ (both ways).

Keep your eyes peeled at  the special offers on the  website! There might be some cheap tickets available.  It’s an unique opportunity to travel around Finland. Try to book these types of tickets beforehand because train transportation in Finland is quite costly.

Most of the train commuting on Finnish railroads are InterCity trains, highly modern and comfortable trains that commute around Finnish cities. Also, there are other types of trains, so called ‘Pendolino’. These trains don’t stop in every station and are much faster. And more expensive,that is.


This is how InterCity trains look like on the inside.
Maximum comfortability, internet connection and above all PUNCTUALITY.

Gotta love trains in Finland.

Have you ever travelled by train in Finland?


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