Pikkujoulut season

You went bar hopping in Kallio( THE ROCK!) had some cheep booze, had a blast, fell asleep on the bus, ended up somewhere else! You made a promise to yourself to calm down next weekend.

But then, you realized that your working place is throwing a Pikkujoulu.  What could that be?! It is the high season of Pikkujoulut. Do you think what I’m thinking? FREE BOOZE.  Oh no wait… 😐

Pikkujoulu ( Small Christmas ) is an event that every Finnish family/company [ insert other..] organizes some time before Christmas. It’s the Christmas before Christmas 😛  Close friends gather  around during Pikkujoulu and converse over a nice warm cup of glöggi(mulled wine) and loads of piparkakku(gingerbread cake).

piparkakku and glöggi
piparkakku and glöggi
Glöggi can be found in every market, in tetra-packs or bottled. It can be alcoholic or non  – alcoholic. It depends on the way you prepare it. Basically it is made from red wine and spices. Boil it up and add whatever comes to your mind. People usually add  almonds or nuts.  Glöggi is really warm and perfect for long winter nights. It just gives you the feeling of coziness while you observe the snow outside.
Apart from glöggi, the piparkakku is another treat for the Pikkujoulu table. Piparkakku is gingerbread dough, which is formed very thin with a bread roll. After that you use all sorts of molds to form the dough. In our case a star (see picture above).
You might  have asumed by now that Pikkujoulu is just another excuse to get wasted and drink all that booze that you bought from Estonia. 😀  nomnomnom
After your own Pikkujoulut, there is a friend that throws a Pikkujoulu, then the neighbor, then your acquaintance. Oh no… 
For just once you thought that you will be sober for the next 24 hours.
Joulukuu ( December ) came. Time to count the days until Christmas! If you are in Finland during this month, every Finn will tell you:
You need your own Joulukalenteri!”



Joulukalenteri is a calendar that counts the days until Christmas. All you have to do is take out the number of the day from the calendar and find the cute figure in it. Finns absolutely love this. It is considered to be very special. Every member of the family has one.

Enough of my babbling, your friend’s Pikkujoulu is awaiting. Make haste and go for it! You won’t regret it.